Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Creations

This year for my Halloween costume im going for a gothic lolita kinda look. And what better way to perfect the look by making your very own mini top hat. I wish i had my own how to, but i followed instructions used at this site HERE. I did not use the same concepts in making mine. Mine is made a little different from the one shown in the tutorial. How is it different? Mine is no-sew. So, i hope you enjoy what i have to show you and i hope you have fun making yours as well.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

October Costumes

Having a hard time looking for the perfect costume but not sure what you want to be. Everything is simple, for example. To day i'm going to tell you how you can make your very own skeleton costume.

This you will need
1. Black Long Sleeve Shirt/ or plain black hoodie
2. Long Black Sweat Pants
3. White fabric paint/ or UV reactive fabric paint.
4. Picture of A Skeleton
5. Black Knitted gloves
6. Face Paint and Make Up Brushes

Lay out your black shirt. Look at your picture and study it. If it helps to see what you want. You can draw it out on a piece of paper. Now that you have studied your picture and know exactly how you want it to look. Begin painting the front part of the skeleton on your black shirt.Once you are done with that. You are ready to move onto the pants. Do the same for this as you did with the shirt. So your skeleton will have legs.

Extra tip: If your crafty with a sewing machine, you can create shoe covers to make the feet.

Next take your gloves and pain hands on them. When you have completed this. Put your costume on and paint your face like a skeleton face. Now your ready to rec havoc on your neighbor hood. :D

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

IMVU Credits free, Can this be?

As most of you mite know already, that Metarl, a site for credits, its the most talked about site on the net today. Not only can you get credits for imvu, but you can also get them for Second Life, Entropia, There, Habbo Hotel, and GaiaOnline. It's simple stuff. Just go to and sign up. Once you have signed up, your ready to partake in the credit earning experience. You can complete tasks, free offers(i hate these), or you can play games. There is also a raffel that you can enter for free once everyday. And, if your good at getting meta points, you can get a free avatar name registration. Its a a lot to do, but hey. You get free credits out of it. So go to Metarl, sign up, and start earning metapoints.

free imvu credits

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sorry For The Mix Up

Im going to start posting stuff for October next week. Sorry for any inconvenience.